DEPOSIT – European and London Study Tour 2024

DEPOSIT – European and London Study Tour 2024


Payment is 500 Australian dollars – please ensure you debit the correct amount in your currency if overseas




Earn a massive 25 CPD points [15 – Europe sector + 10 – London sector] for BOTH notaries and lawyers [certificates will issue]
Dates: 14 days – 3 to 17 October 2024 : Europe 3 to 13 October + London 14 to 17 October



Vienna, Austria – Zagreb, Croatia – Athens, Greece – Tirana, Albania – Pristina, Kosovo – Vienna, Austria + London.

Both Europe + London sectors must be taken together.

Please complete your details in the spaces below and provide us with the non-refundable [unless tour is cancelled] reservation administration amount by payment of $500 per person to secure your place – you do not want to miss out – limited places – first come first served.

Full price excluding Australia to Europe and Vienna to London airfares and london accommodation but including 4 star hotel accommodation and internal European flights and meals:


European sector

  1. Notary, double room: CHF 3,950 [Swiss Francs]
  2. Accompanying person, double room: CHF 3,650
  3. Notary in single room: CHF 4,750.

London sector

including most meals, excluding accommodation and Vienna to London flights

£ 950 renegotiated down from £ 2,000 per person [only for notaries and lawyers NOT accompanying persons who will have free time in London].

Scriveners Dinner will be the member price of £155 per person in addition [all welcome].


Book now here to secure your limited place to this once-in-a-decade study tour –

  1. registrations with the non-refundable $500 reservation deposit per person [notary, lawyer and accompanying persons] and
  2. payments of the Europe and London fees – documents will issue beforehand for 2 direct international money transfers. 


The unparalleled 3rd study tour will include a unique civil and common law mix of the latest developments in notarial subjects –

seminars, university lectures, special visits to government departments, notarial offices, meeting leaders of the notarial profession and electronic acts and remote online notarisation, common law – civil law comparative work, special ceremonies, gourmet meals, select tourism! and much more.


Electronic signatures, E-technologies, Remote online notarisation, Australian and New Zealand acts received in Europe and the UK, ethics, data protection, sanctions, ID, capacity, forms of notarial acts, special ceremonies for international collaboration agreements and much much more!


  • Thursday 3 October: Meeting point Vienna, Austria
  • Friday 4 October: Vienna. Conferences – Austriian Chamber of Notaries
  • Saturday 5 October: Vienna, sightseeing
  • Sunday 6 October: morning bus trip Vienna-Zagreb
  • Monday 7 October: Zagreb. Meetings – Chamber of Notaries of Croatia. late afternoon flight to Athens
  • Tuesday 8 October: Athens. Meetings – Chamber of Notaries of Greece
  • Wednesday 9 October: Athens, sightseeing. end of day flight to Tirana
  • Thursday 10 October: Meetings – Chamber of Notaries of Albania
  • Friday 11 October: early bus trip to Pristina.
  • Saturday 12 October: Meetings – Chamber of Notaries of Kosovo
  • Sunday 13 October: Flight to Vienna. Free time
  • Monday 14 October: Flight to London. Free time
  • Tuesday 15 October to 17 October : Scriveners’ course at the Vintners’ Hall [new!], 68 Upper Thames Street, London
  • As a special event in London, participants are exclusively invited to the Scriveners’ Autumn Dinner – Black tie – cocktail dress on 15 October 2024 – Apothecaries’ Hall, Black Friars Lane, London – extra cost – member price £155 per person [all welcome].

DETAILS: see draft programmes – Read more Europe and Read more London.

Most welcome are:

  • Partners, friends and accompanying persons [special programme available only in Europe]
  • Our colleague notaries in the twinned notariats of Queensland and NSW and all other Australian States and Territories, New Zealand and from overseas
  • Other lawyers.

You organise :
Valid passports and all vaccinations
Flights to Vienna and return from London
Flights from Vienna to London
Accommodation in London

We organise:
The rest – study tour, accommodation, transport in Europe, tourism and most meals, except on free time.


Note: The Society is not required to be registered for GST and there is no GST component in the Deposit or the Europe and London study tour fees. ABN 99260867104.